Pub regulars turned out to welcome former Olympic boxing champion Terry Spinks.

Mr Spinks was at the George and Dragon pub, East Street, Fritwell, near Bicester, to visit landlord Tony Ward and sign copies of his biography.

Mr Ward said: "It was a marvellous day, Terry sold about 12 copies of the book, which was not an outstanding financial success, but he said now he knows how to get here, he's definitely coming back up for lunch."

It was a busy weekend for the pub, which also hosted a children's Christmas party on December 7.

About 60 children from the village went along for an afternoon's food and entertainment, which culminated in a visit by Father Christmas, who arrived in a sleigh made from a boat and pulled by a tractor.

The pub has spent the year fundraising for the party, which is in its second year since Mr Ward and his wife Patricia took over.

People can still buy signed copies of Mr Spinks's book, East End Idol: The Amazing Story of Terry Spinks MBE, by calling 01869 345221.