New Year's Eve revellers are being encouraged to travel from Oxford to London on the coach. The Oxford Tube, which operates 24-hour services to the capital is hoping to attract passengers with specially-priced New Year's travel tickets.

Special return tickets for £11 are available on Stagecoach buses and the Oxford Tube itself, and will be valid throughout New Year's Day.

David Whitley, marketing manager for Stagecoach South Midlands said: "With fares of £12 being quoted for a one way journey by taxi from Blackbird Leys to Oxford, it will be cheaper to get to London and back than to get a taxi into town.

"We're laying on extra coaches to cope with the anticipated demand."

There will be no buses between 10pm and midnight, to allow more coaches to run at the busiest times.

For more information pick up a Christmas Bus Times leaflet from or call 01865 772250.