Eighteen beds at Abingdon and Wantage hospitals are closed because of a shortage of nurses -- and now a recruitment campaign is to be launched.

Five community hospitals in the area are joining forces to host an open day and recruitment drive at Abingdon next week, where six out of the 48 beds are closed.

Abingdon Hospital manager Jackie Hourahane said: "Staff shortages are an ongoing problem.

"Some people leave the health service, some retire but others continue their careers, move up the ladder and so the hospital is left with vacancies to fill."

The hospitals in Abingdon, Didcot, Wallingford, Wantage and Witney are seeking nurses, healthcare assistants, kitchen and domestic staff, porters and secretarial staff.

They care mainly for older people, and work involves making patients independent and capable of moving back home.

Fifteen months ago, a recruitment drive attracted 13 new members of staff for Abingdon, and for the first time in two years all 48 beds were open. But in the last few months staff shortages have put the hospital under pressure.

Just before Christmas, Wantage Hospital had to take out half its 24 beds because of staff shortages and they remain closed but some beds are expected to be re-opened later this month.

The head nurse at Wantage, Jill Beckhelling, said they offered flexible working for new recruits.

"One new initiative is zero hours contracts -- people can be employed and paid directly by us but work only when it suits them. This helps people caring for young children or dependent relatives who would still like to work when possible."

Wallingford and Didcot hospitals each have 30 beds and there are 61 beds at Witney

All beds are open, although there are staff vacancies.

At the open day on Wednesday, visitors will be able to speak to staff, see displays on initiatives at all five hospitals involved in the campaign and have a tour of Abingdon Hospital.