Almost half the people arrested in Oxfordshire for theft-related crimes are taking drugs, according to experts backing a project to deter children from taking illegal substances.

The county's Drug and Alcohol Action Team has pledged to support the Frank helpline, a national scheme encouraging young people and their parents to talk openly about drugs.

A team of trained specialists will run the service and its website.

Kurt Moxley, team director, said Oxford had been highlighted as one of 40 areas of high crack use in the UK, after a survey found that 120 patients in the city were being given drug rehabilitation treatment by GPs.

He also said that during a review by Thames Valley Police, 45 per cent of people arrested on theft charges had tested positive for illegal drugs.

He said: "The Frank helpline is a good way for us to get people talking about drugs. The vast majority of youngsters don't use hard drugs, and we want to give them advice before they start."

The Frank initiative will focus on class A drugs, such as heroin and cocaine.

It is being promoted through leaflets distributed at schools, libraries and health centres.

The service is free on 0800 776600, or log on to