We remain concerned about the solutions for the Ridgeway path proposed by the National Trails Office and the Ridgeway Management Group (Oxford Mail, May 16).

It is clear that the surface is in a poor state and, in places, dangerous for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

What is not in dispute is that repairs are needed urgently. What is in dispute is the cause of the problems and therefore the nature of the repairs needed.

The National Trails Office and the Ridgeway Management Group assume that recreational, off-road motor vehicles will continue to be allowed access.

Their solution is for a hard, engineered surface that will stand the ravages of the 4x4s and motorbikes. This flies in the face of Government advice and is doomed to expensive failure.

In the past, off-road vehicles have churned up the hard surface and grass verges.

The Ridgeway Management Group is seeking £1m of public money to carry out these repairs, at a time when teachers are being made redundant and services cut.

The solution is to ban all non-essential motor vehicles from using the Ridgeway.



Friends of The Ridgeway

