IT IS heartening to see most surburban shopping centres in Oxford looking and doing well.

Not long ago, they were rundown and suffering badly from vandalism and theft. Now, with the help of Government and city council cash, the future is suddenly looking much brighter.

Traders at Blackbird Leys and Wood Farm say that since £100,000 was spent on increased security last year, crime has dropped and business has improved.

This year, £200,000 is to be spent at Blackbird Leys, Barton and other parts of the city.

Increased security in the shopping areas has gone hand-in-hand with providing activities for young people.

Small shops have a vital role to play in communities and must not be allowed to die.

Not everyone has the means to get to a supermarket.

This is one example where co-operation between national and local government is paying handsome dividends.