Councils across Oxfordshire are joining forces to get a clear picture of what people in the county think about services they provide.

The six councils in Oxfordshire -- the county council and five districts -- will soon send out a survey to more than 18,000 people across the county and residents are urged complete the questionnaire if they receive one through the post.

While every individual council in the country is required to carry out this national survey, the decision for all the councils in Oxfordshire to work together will mean it can be carried out more cheaply and efficiently. Residents are consulted in this way every year, but it is the first time a joint operation has been launched.

Barry Wood, Cherwell District Council's executive member with responsibility for Best Value, said: "It makes sense to join together with all councils in Oxfordshire to conduct a joint survey.

"It is vital that councils do not live in ivory towers but rather are determined to live in the real world."

County council chief executive Richard Shaw said: "By working together we can save on cost and increase the amount of information shared between councils.

"We want to hear from you whether what you have to say is good or bad.

"We need to know what people think so we can put our resources where they really matter."

All answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used to help improve public services. Some anonymous responses may be passed on to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

A survey helpline has been set up for those with questions or concerns. The number is 0800 3580337.