An Oxford Mail newspaper seller was attacked by a man who demanded money.

Roger Felton, who was attacked Roger Felton, 34, who sells the paper in Cornmarket Street from one of our four city centre vending kiosks, suffered a cut lip after his assailant punched him on November 19.

Mr Felton, pictured, said: "He came and asked for some money, a stupid little figure like 10p or 20p.

"I said 'no' and he started swearing and calling me obscene names. I said a few words back and the next thing I knew, he was attacking me through the front of the box."

Mr Felton said his attacker, who did not take any cash, was over 6ft and slim.

He believed he had previously seen him selling copies of the Big Issue in Oxford.

Mr Felton added: "I'm very shook up by it. I feel quite vulnerable to this sort of problem and hope it will never happen again and that something gets done about it."

Two police officers from the City Centre Unit walked by as he was making the 999 call and took details.