Homeless charities in Oxford have joined forces to launch a new poster urging people not to give cash to beggars.

About 1,000 posters displaying a This Changes Nothing slogan are being put up around the city, following yesterday's (November 21) launch at The Bridge, a centre for the homeless in Iffley Road.

The aim is to remind people that giving money to Oxford Poverty Action Trust is the best way to help beggars.

The campaign is being supported by the city council, Thames Valley Police, OxPAT, ATMOSPhere and charities.

Residents are being encouraged to put cash into special OxPAT charity collection boxes at shops or business premises.

Venues will be listed on the posters.

Deborah Caedel, a spokesman for OxPAT, said: "There are better ways to help than giving money direct to beggars."

Oxford City Centre beat officer, Pc Paul Phillips, said: "We're very keen to get across the message that handing over money to people who are begging changes nothing."

Pc Phillips has just won third place in a national Community Beat Officer of the Year awards scheme.