A clean-up appears to have prevented potentially dangerous waste overflowing on to streets in Oxford, after more than 30 years of problems.

Since the 1970s, residents in Marston have complained that drains regularly overflow during heavy rain, flooding Ferry Road, and more recently Purcell Road and Moody Road.

They have called for improvements to the Victorian sewerage network.

Residents' fears were heightened last winter, when public health experts warned that the sewage could contain contaminated waste from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington.

They said it could contain salmonella from household waste, and typhoid bacteria from the hospital.

Thames Water has been investigating what causes the floods, and has taken temporary preventative measures.

Roy Darke, Labour councillor for Marston said: "We have had two or three weeks heavy rains and there hasn't been a peep of flooding in Ferry Road.

"I think the temporary measures, cleaning silt out of sewers and cutting tree roots in one or two places have had some effect.

"The bad news is they didn't do it years ago, but it's good news it seems to be happening now."

Tony Woodward, of Ferry Road said: "It's early days yet, and we haven't had a lot of prolonged rain.

"I'm not saying it won't flood, but we haven't had any problems yet."

Plans for a permanent solution are due to be announced soon.

Thames Water spokesman Chris Shipway said: "We have cleaned fat and grease out of the sewers.

"People can help us by not putting fat and grease down drains.

"They can allow it to solidify and put it in the bin. If it's lamb or beef fat they can set it with scraps and nuts and leave it out for the birds."

For more information about preventing drain problems, call 08459 200800 or log on to Thames Water's website www.thameswater.co.uk

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