SIR -- Thank you for giving space to the Audit Commission's latest report on Oxfordshire County Council's performance (Oxford Mail, December 18).

Having been rated a "fair" performing council in 2002, we have pledged to become an outstanding authority, and the progress the Audit Commission report highlighted is very encouraging.

For example:

Our transport services have achieved the highest national rating

Performance on waste recycling is comparable with top performing councils

Social services have moved from a one-star rating to two stars

Most aspects of our education service have improved

Cultural services have been rated as good and improving

Management of the council has substantially improved.

These findings were echoed in a recent review of the county council by the Improvement and Development Agency, which found that we have made "tremendous progress" in improving systems and services.

There is still much to do, but we approach 2004 confident about our improving performance and determined to do even better.


Chief Executive

Oxfordshire County Council