Cherwell district councillors are still waiting to hear if the High Court will agree to a judicial review of the plan for an asylum seekers' accommodation centre at Bicester.

The authority had originally hoped a judge would make a decision by the end of last year.

If the judge agrees with Cherwell's views, a judicial review would be triggered.

But now a decision on whether or not there will be a review is not expected for a few more weeks.

Councillor Lawrie Stratford said: "Our legal department has just heard that a judge is not expected to read the documents about the centre until after January 12.

"We understand the delay has been finding a judge with particular planning expertise to consider the points raised."

District councillors have asked the High Court for a judicial review because they believed there were flaws in the arguments made by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott when he overturned a planning inspector's findings and gave the go-ahead.

Planning inspector Paul Taylor recommended the centre should not be given planning permission after holding a three-week inquiry last year.

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