Traders have called a crisis meeting in Wantage next month to thrash out the increasing problem of children shoplifting.

They say the situation has become so bad that it is now time for police, parents and town councillors to find ways of reducing the problem.

The move has been prompted by the town's Chamber of Commerce, which has become increasingly worried about increasing thefts from businesses in the town.

One business which has had to take a firm hand with young offenders is Swampy's toy and baby clothes shop in Mill Street.

Since it opened in May 2002, it has installed security cameras and bars entry to children unless accompanied by an adult.

Sales assistant Kelly Crowther said: "The youngsters come in in groups of three or four and you can see them taking things and putting them under their coats. The youngest we had was aged seven."

The meeting has been provisionally fixed for Tuesday, February 10, in the Ascot suite of the Bear Hotel in the Market Place, starting at 7.30pm. Wantage's top police officer, Inspector Jan Penny, has already agreed to attend, with several of her officers.

Chamber chairman Reg Waite said: "It's no good letting the situation fester.

"Small retailers are working very hard to make ends meet.

"This meeting will enable us to pool constructive thoughts and ideas."