SIR - County councillor John Howell condemns your newspaper for its "relentless criticism of the county council" (Oxford Mail, April 22).

How easy it is for politicians to defend themselves by turning this into a political point-scoring exercise, and accuse anyone who criticises them of doing the same.

As someone who has campaigned against the cuts in social services, I have no party political allegiance, nor am I looking for votes.

Dr Howell only has to look back at the letters in the Oxford Mail over the last two years to find the majority were from members of the public with real grievances against this council.

I, for one, am grateful for being given a voice.

Accusing the paper of tabloid journalism is in itself sensationalist.

One only has to visit the council website and read the reports and papers to see that the reporting of events has been accurate and fair.

Dr Howell tells us that "the council is coming together rather well after a period of extensive change".

How long does this transition take?

How long does it need to sort out finances in social care?

Problems were recognised as far back as 1999. We have £11m unaccounted for, more than £5m spent on ONE street, £1m found, then another lost, I could go on - all this two years after almost £9m was cut from vital front-line social services.

These are not small anomalies or errors. The public has a right to be told.

Any resultant damage to the council's reputation pales into insignificance compared with the lasting and irreparable damage inflicted on vulnerable people due to its questionable priorities and failure to sort out this mess.


High Street
