SIR - The new seats are not only attractive to shoppers in Cornmarket Street in Oxford, but also to the litter the shoppers produce by the sackful.

The bins attract litter. They are emptied and then the grey sacks are left beside the seats.

Overflowing bins and sacks of litter beside every seat do nothing to enhance the environment in Cornmarket.

More frequent collections and more bins are clearly required.

On a positive note, the perch seats facing the street are ideal meeting points as those waiting can easily view the whole street while awaiting friends. The fact that they are perch seats helps to ensure that seats will always be available.

However, those of sufficient agility have discovered that the top of the granite wall makes a fine seat with the perch as a convenient foot rest, a practice which will make the perch seats dirty and unattractive.

Perhaps something could be done to make the wall more uncomfortable than the seat?

