I have never used the Internet nor sent an e-mail, but consider www.thamesvalleypolice-sucks.co.uk an excellent idea.

Unlike the chief constable, I deem the only arguably irresponsible aspect of it to be the rather frivolous and slightly vulgar name which may deter some offended parties.

Besides, if there were not so much irresponsibility within the force itself, the website would clearly be a non-starter. I am less than 'gobsmacked' by the response but am amazed at the relative banality of some of the grievances cited in your article.

I can only assume that many of those with the most serious complaints would, for a range of fairly self-evident reasons, be the last to avail themselves of this facility.

As for internal complaints systems, although they may be gradually improving, they have traditionally strongly tended to add serious insult tof often substantial injury up to a year later.

Incidentally, surely the only reliable way to establish the extent of substance abuse within the force is indeed by random checking. I cannot see what the objection of the innocent might be, though it was a relief to learn that "force policy clearly states that intoxication by any means while a member of staff is on duty will not be tolerated".


Riverside Court
