A Saturday farmers' market in Wallingford could become a real medieval market to help the town celebrate the 850th anniversary of its Royal Charter.

Wallingford Business Partnership chairman Pat Hayward said: "I would love to see it as a real spectacle, attracting people in from all over the area.

"I envisage jugglers, fire-eaters and other appropriate street entertainment.

"I would like to see the surrounding roads closed as we have at the annual Victorian Evening every Christmas and then shops and restaurants could set up their stalls outside.

"And it would be lovely if traders and customers dressed up in medieval costumes and decorated the town centre."

She hopes to stage the event on Saturday, July 30, next year, as part of the town's celebrations to mark the 850th anniversary of Henry II granting the charter in 1155.

Celebrations are being co-ordinated by town council members Lynda Atkins and Simon Harrop who are hoping everyone in the town will have a part to play.