Co-op staff across Oxfordshire have raised another £10,000 for the Oxford Children's Hospital Campaign.

Sarah Buy, of the Co-op, presents the cheque to Christine Turner, right, of the John Radcliffe Hospital

The money was raised during a series of events held in August, including dress down days, fancy dress days, sponsored trampoline jumps, children's painting days and raffles.

It is part of the Oxford, Swindon and Gloucester Co-op's pledge to raise £150,000 in five years for the £15m appeal.

The Co-op's Sarah Buy handed over a cheque for the latest donation to Christine Turner, a senior play specialist based at the children's wards at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington.

She said: "We are very pleased to be able to come forward with another donation to the children's hospital campaign, which is the charity chosen by our employees as the one they most wanted to support.

"These events took place in the summer and it has taken us a little while to collate all the funds raised."

The £20m children's hospital is already being built at the JR.

When it is finished in January 2007 it will provide dedicated facilities for paediatric services currently housed at the JR, Churchill Hospital and Radcliffe Infirmary.

While the NHS has added £5m to the project, the rest of the funds are being raised through charitable donations.

Emma Franklin, from the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Trust, said: "Once again, I would like to say many thanks to the Co-op for their on-going support."