A peace plaque could be laid in an Oxford street in the new year -- providing funding can be secured from private donations.

David Partridge, project co-ordinator of the International Interfaith centre, in Market Street, the University Church of St Mary the Virgin in High Street, and city councillor Paul Sargent have teamed up to design the anti-war symbol.

They want to put a Yorkstone slab in Carfax which will bear a dove, laurel leaves and the words: "To honour all those of any faith or conviction who in conscience reject warfare and violence and seek another path".

It could cost between £1,400 and £1,800.

Mr Partridge, a former vicar who lives in Park Town, Oxford, said the idea came about following the strong anti-war movement in the city.

He said: "I just felt it would be very good to make a statement about this great feeling and conviction that people had.

"This seemed to be the opportunity to put something tangible down and make it relevant to the present, not only objections from the past but for people who were conscientiously objecting to this war and future wars.

"We feel Oxford is such a strong centre for the Stop the War movement, and has a history of intellectual thinking and objection to violence and warfare, that as a city we don't honour those who sometimes take a more difficult path by rejecting and refusing to be involved in something.

"This doesn't deny anything to do with those people that fought during the first, second or consequent wars."

Mr Sargent stressed that he supported Britain's soldiers who, he said, did a very professional job.

But he said: "I feel war should be the last resort -- it is always the result when politicians like me fail."

Any contributions for the plaque can be sent to the Friends House, 36 St Giles, Oxford.

Cheques must be made out to Oxford for Peace (plaque project).