It's hard enough nowadays for shopkeepers to make a living. But even harder with the threat of attack hanging over you every day.

This is the case for shopkeeper Mohammed Zafar whose store has been under attack by vandals on a regular basis.

Youths smash his windows, assault his staff and now Mr Zafar has cheated death after robbers stabbed him.

Luckily he only suffered 12 stitches in his hands from his wounds but it is the constant mental suffering that must be more painful.

Must he wait until either he or his staff suffer a more serious assault before action is taken to ensure this catalogue of attacks ends?

Oxford City Council has pledged to help with the issues surrounding security. But security cameras are not the answer -- thugs just pull them down.

It's time the council and police got tough on these dangerous idiots before someone like Mr Zafar and his staff gets seriously hurt.