Sir - It has taken Oxfordshire Chamber of Commerce nearly two years to agree that Oxford needs congestion charging.

In 2002, Headington Forum suggested the need for such a scheme to local politicians.

This is the next big step in Oxford successfully dealing with its transport problems.

Keith Slater, president of the Oxfordshire Chamber of Commerce, says it is only a matter of time before a London-style levy on motorists becomes reality.

Already London, Trondheim, Durham and Singapore have successful schemes in operation, with Edinburgh planning its referendum for early in 2005.

It is interesting that opposition to such a scheme is led by pro-motoring county council leader Keith Mitchell. He is prepared to protect the interests of the rural lobby at the expense of we urbanites who have to put up with traffic gridlock caused by rural drivers.

The question that needs to be asked is, when is Oxford going to become independent of the county council, so that it can be free to solve its problems?

Hopefully, not too long.



Headington Forum