A Sri Lankan Methodist Minister who trained in Wallingford has detailed how money raised by local people is being spent to help the victims of the Boxing Day tsunami which devastated their villages.

He is helping Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist victims cope with the disaster.

Thousands of pounds have been raised by Wallingford people and sent directly to the Rev Sam Raminairaj through Ray Johnson, who is determined to keep up the aid effort.

Mr Johnson was head of Castle Priory in Wallingford, the former training HQ of the Spastics Society, where Mr Raminairaj trained.

Mr Johnson said: "I am delighted that our money is helping so many people recover from the initial trauma -- and I am determined that we will carry on giving to help them rebuild their homes as well."

Mr Raminairaj lost family and friends in the tsunami, but immediately spent his own money getting supplies to devastated areas.

Initially he and his helpers took bags of rice, flour, tea, sugar, milk powder, jam, soaps, plates and basic kitchen utensils.

For older children they bought exercise books, scrap books, pencils, pens and other equipment, and for babies they provided clothing, bedding, gripe water and dried milk foods.

Recent work has included providing educational toys, outdoor play materials and funding for special needs children, and tools for young craftsmen to help with rebuilding.