Ramblers have promised to fight BMW's plans to divert a bridleway which runs through its Cowley car factory.

The company has applied to Oxfordshire County Council for the 900m route from Watlington Road to Horspath Road, which divides BMW's Plant Oxford, to be changed because bosses say it is hardly used.

It also claims access points along the bridleway, the southern part of which is enclosed by metal fencing, raise security and safety issues, and that it prevents redevelopment.

But the move has annoyed ramblers who claim the route is used by people walking to work, not just at the Mini plant but at businesses on Horspath Road, as well as by walkers heading for the company sports ground and Shotover country park.

The company, which has announced plans to invest another £100m in the Oxford plant, was recently given permission to expand across Roman Road (which forms part of the bridleway) into the Green Belt, where it intends to build a railhead for bringing in parts.

BMW proposes to foot the bill for diverting the right of way and laying another one around the plant. The alternative route would run along the east side of the Eastern Bypass leading to Horspath Road.

Ralph Hattler, director of logistics and plant structure at BMW Group Plant Oxford said: "The bridleway has extremely low usage, the majority of which is from our employees.

"It acts as a major barrier restricting our redevelopment and circulation plans, including the possibility of extending the railhead, which would potentially reduce production-related traffic.

"Our proposal would also provide a full link for pedestrian and cycle access along the east side of the eastern bypass."

A spokesman for Oxfordshire County Council said: "People currently have rights to use the existing bridleway route on foot, horse and bicycle.

"There are stringent legal tests that have to be applied when public rights of way are extinguished or created, such as whether the current route is needed for public use and the convenience of the proposed alternative."

Keith Holly, footpath secretary for the Oxford city group of the Ramblers' Association, said a protest walk was held at the plant 18 months ago and the plan had been under consideration by BMW for about three years.

He added: "We recognise BMW's concerns but we demonstrated against it before and we will almost certainly object to it again."