Vandals caused more than £40,000 of damage at Sir Richard Branson's Oxfordshire home after hijacking mechanical diggers.

Sgt Larry Jordan by a hole dug by the vandals The Virgin tycoon, who lives at Mill End, Kidlington, hired staff to lay concrete for a series of corporate events.

Youths used a mini-digger to dig a 10ft hole at the site. The mini-digger was badly damaged after being used to knock down trees and damage a nearby footbridge.

A roller machine and a dump truck were also driven and damaged in the incident, at 8.50am.

Thames Valley Police spokesman Tim Wiseman said police searched for the youths, who were spotted riding motorbikes near the diggers the night before the damage, but did not find them.

Sgt Larry Jordan, of Kidlington Police Station, said: "What may have been just a joke for the youths involved has caused damage worth a large amount of money.

"Plant machinery is also very dangerous and a serious accident could have been the result."

Mr Branson's housekeeper Lucy Penney said: "I knew some work was taking place out the back, but I have not heard about this.

"As far as I know, a series of events are being planned for Virgin Trains staff. It's an annual party and there could be a discussion about tilting trains."

A spokesman for Virgin Management said Mr Branson was out of the country on business and they would contact him to make him aware of the incident.

Sir Richard opens the grounds of his house to paying visitors each summer so they can enjoy a family day out and raise money for charity. Anyone with information about the vandalism should call the police on 08458 505505.