I am still marvelling at the strange logic of Tory county council leader Keith Mitchell who believes that you can run Oxfordshire County Council by "chairmanning" (in the new Tory doublespeak) all the committees and even the scrutiny committees and at the same time claim not to be running a dictatorship.

The scrutiny committees are supposed to scrutinise the work of the council.

Are we to believe that when the Tory chairman (man or woman) of a scrutiny committee spots a mistake, mis-spending, or wrongdoing, he (or she) will, in a forthright manner, raise the issue in the Tory council?

The Tories are now answerable to no-one -- that's what I call a dictatorship.

It's as if Firoz Kassam were not only to choose Oxford United's manager, coach and team but even his own referee.

John Sanders (Councillor)

Cowley and Littlemore Division, Oxfordshire County Council