I thought Jay Denson's blueprint for controlling our society most cogent, especially the fingerprinting at birth, a most practical proposal if ever I heard one (Oxford Mail, May 23).

I am fed up with toddlers running into me with impunity as the proud parents smile.

Nonetheless, I found his vision a shade liberal and wishy-washy insofar as it stopped short of telescreens, concealed microphones and giant posters of Big Auntie.

Oh, come to think of it, we probably already boast most of those to some extent.

I was baffled by his observation that when yobs saw a bobby, they desisted from whatever nefarious activity in which they were engaged until the bobby had passed.

They must have a brighter and better-bred class of yob and bobby in Charlbury. Seriously, if they work in Spain, ID cards will do the trick here. David Diment, Riverside Court, Oxford