The proposal to remove copies of the Bible from hospital bedside cabinets for fear of offending those of other faiths is unbelievable.

Apart from the fact that they may be a source of comfort and strength to the sick (obviously considered of no importance by these politically-correct meddlers), has it ever occurred to them that Britain is a Christian country?

Our Queen is the Defender of the Faith, which means, for those previously unaware of it, the Christian faith, and our democratic institutions, so widely respected all over the world, are founded on Christian values.

If anyone were to suggest, for example, that copies of the Koran should be banned from public places in Islamic countries, I hardly think they would oblige.

But in case I should appear ignorant or bigoted, let me quote from the Koran: "O People of the Book" (this means, by the way, Christians, Moslems and Jews), "ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel and all the Revelation that has come to you from your Lord" (Surah 5.68, tr. Abdullah Yusuf Ali).


Washington Terrace, Middle Barton