The headteacher of a Didcot primary school has praised his pupils after a successful Ofsted report.

John Hawkins, head of Manor School in Lydalls Close, said: "As we expected, the children emerged as the real stars.

"The report praises pupils for achieving good academic standards, showing great enthusiasm for learning and having very positive attitudes and very good behaviour."

Ofsted inspectors concluded that pupils were 'polite and friendly due to the good role models set by the staff'.

The school also fared well in the report for its information and communication technology provision.

Two-thirds of teaching was rated as good or better, and a fifth as very good or excellent.

Two areas were highlighted by inspectors for development. Pupils needed more opportunities in the timetable to write at length, and the school needed to review the balance of extra help provided within and outside of classrooms.

Chairman of governors, Sharon Woodley, welcomed the report.

She said: "The report opens with the statement 'This is a good school', which is something parents, governors and the community have always known".