HATS off to Oxford city councillor Nuala Young and her daft comments about Snow (Oxford Mail, January 8). Or perhaps not.

If we had not used our cars during the recent bad weather, we would have been stuck.

We would have loved to have been able to hop on a bus; in fact, I do so regularly. There was only one problem – we had none.

Roads were not gritted or salted. And while one hardy chap I know did actually walk to Witney, it was hard going.

The one day we did venture to Carterton for things I couldn’t buy (yes, I religiously use both village shops), the roads were treacherous.

Fortunately, my husband is a careful driver and we own a dreaded 4x4.

I was still sad not to be able to go to work, however – the road I needed to go down was like a skating rink, and I was told not to come in.

While I would have loved to have been able to catch a bus into town, we must be sensible.

Snow looks nice but it is hazardous and in outlying areas can make life very difficult for people who don’t have cars.

I love planet Earth but I also value ‘planet me’.

Roll on spring!

D HOLLOWAY, Wenrisc Drive, Minster Lovell