A MAJOR police operation has been set up to catch a gang from Gloucestershire which is believed to have launched raids on Oxfordshire shops and houses.

The 40-strong gang, desc-ribed as career criminals, is thought to have committed at least 28 crimes, including raids on shops, thefts of ATM machines and house burglaries in Oxfordshire during the past six to eight months.

A team of 18 officers has been formed to combat the gang.

The senior investigating officer, a detective superintendant who cannot be named for operational reasons, descri-bed the gang as ruthless and violent.

He said: “Borders do not stop criminals. For them there is no demarcation between Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

“But this cross-border crime is hitting the Oxfordshire area quite hard.

“We have up to 28 direct offences in the past six to eight months and 10 which are linked elsewhere.

“However, Thames Valley Police is working very hard with neighbouring forces and sharing our investigations and intelligence.

“We are putting a serious amount of resources and a fair bit of money into this.”

The officer said the gang targets shops and steals cigarettes and perfume.

They have also stolen ATM cash machines and broken into houses to steal keys to luxury vehicles.

The officer added: “It is a serious and organised group. They are ruthless and not afraid of a bit of violence. They are very effective in what they do. This is their job. They are career criminals, and this is how they pay for their life.

“We are carrying out a large investigation but there are some simple steps people can take, such as keeping car keys secure, so that they are not victims.”

Detectives would not comment on specific crimes being investigated, but the Oxford Mail understands the gang are suspected of being behind a break-in at the Spar Family Shop, in Stanmore Road, Carterton, in October.

A window was ripped out, the shop was ransacked and hundreds of pounds worth of cigarettes were stolen.

Manager Pauline MacIntyre said it was the fifth time in as many years the shop has been raided. She said : “We are very angry. It must be the same crew every time. They always take cigarettes.”

The spree also includes raids on shops and houses in Carterton, Witney, Shrivenham, Long Hanborough, Yarnton and Wantage.

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.