I was amazed to read Keith Mitchell’s comments in last Tuesday’s Oxford Mail berating the local community for not doing enough for themselves in clearing the snow at the present time.

Am I mistaken, or is this not a comment from the leader of the same county council which, in February last year, told a farmer friend of ours that he could not continue clearing snow from the villages of Appleton, Longworth and surrounding areas because he was breaking Health and Safety rules, as he was not properly trained!

In the winter of 1963 my family in Northmoor were very grateful to local farmers who cleared the snowdrifts, which were hedge-height, as we couldn’t get out.

Everyone helped each other then. I think Mr Mitchell will find the reason people are afraid to do anything themselves these days is because there is a threat of litigation if someone is injured after slipping on a surface that they have cleared.

Perhaps if we didn’t have so many ridiculous health and safety regulations in this country people would take more responsibility.

Jan Clements, Standlake,