SHOPKEEPERS are celebrating after 10 new CCTV cameras were installed in Witney in a bid to beat vandals.

The latest cameras – one in Wesley Walk and nine in Marriotts Walk – are in addition to the town’s 24 camera network which covers areas including the Woolgate car park, Market Square and Corn Street.

All cameras feed back to the control room based at the police station in Welch Way.

Shopkeepers in Wesley Walk had campaigned for 10 years for CCTV after spates of vandalism.

Rosa Ashby, of Rosa Floral Designs, in Wesley Walk, said: “We went through hell for a few years, coming in every morning wondering what had happened to our shop.

“We are so thankful that at least there is another eye watching our businesses.

“Every time we got a smashed window, we had to pay for it as we had excess on our insurance.”

Mrs Ashby, who has owned her shop for 13 years, said the campaign was helped by customers writing to local MP and Conservative leader David Cameron.

She said the district council had ignored traders’ pleas for several years.

Janette Reed, chairman of Witney Independent Traders Association, owns Cotswold Kids in Wesley Walk. She said: “It’s a relief to all traders in Wesley Walk to know that cameras will be watching over us.

“We do suffer with occasional vandalism and antisocial behaviour, usually outside opening hours.

“I’m sure the public and other town centre workers will feel much more comfortable taking the Wesley Walk route through from the High Street to the Witan Way car park, especially at this time of year when it’s dark so early.”

Chief Insp Jack Malhi, West Oxfordshire area commander, said: “The cameras are a deterrent to individuals intent on travelling to Witney to commit crime.

“My warning to these people is that we’ll be watching you 24/7.”

Jill Dunsmore, the district council’s cabinet member with responsibility for communities, said: “The new camera in Wesley Walk, which has been funded by the private landowner Builders Ede, will be monitored by our CCTV control room, along with the nine new cameras in Marriotts Walk.

“More than 40 of our town centre retailers and licensed premises are linked to the CCTV system, and each other via radio.”