A TEACHER has told how he wielded his umbrella in a bid to fight off muggers who threatened to kill him.

Hugh Rees, of Southfield Park, was walking home through South Park, Oxford, at 9.20pm on Friday, December 4, when he was attacked by three men.

Police are connecting the incident with another robbery in the park, and have appealed for witnesses.

The 52-year-old spotted the gang standing in the shadows, while he was walking along Pullens Lane and Headington Road, near the Oxford Brookes University campus.

He said: “At the time I thought it was a little suspicious as there was no reason for the men to be standing there. Now I realise the lane is well-lit, so standing (in the shadows) enabled them to get a good look at anyone walking past.

“I was wearing a pair of headphones and I was carrying a laptop bag, so I must have looked like a suitable target.”

Mr Rees continued walking into South Park, but the men followed him.

He said: “Suddenly, I was pushed forcefully from behind. I turned around and thought, ‘what the hell is going on here’.”

Mr Rees was unable to see the men clearly in the dark, but believes they were aged 18 to 25 and of average build and height.

The gang surrounded Mr Rees and he thought they were going to beat him up.

He had his umbrella up because it had been raining and used it to fight them off.

Mr Rees shouted at the gang and managed to hit one of his attackers in the face with the brolly.

The gang retaliated and one of them punched him in the eye, while another put a hand over his mouth.

One of the gang said: “Give us your valuables and we will leave you alone.”

He reached into Mr Rees’ pockets and pulled out his wallet and then went for his mobile phone, but dropped his MP3 player.

Mr Rees hesitated and one of the men said: “Give it to us or else we will kill you.”

One of the muggers hit Mr Rees in the face with a stick several times before stealing his phone.

The men left him on the ground and ran off towards Cheney Lane.

Mr Rees suffered a bruise over one eye, but was otherwise unharmed.

He said last night: “I wish I had known some kung fu moves to use.

He added: “Noises make me jump now.

“I am still going to walk home from work, but without my headphones on because I want to hear everything.”

The robbery is being connected with another incident when two robbers stole a woman’s handbag as she walked through South Park on November 19 (see panel).

Dc Claire Argent, who is investigating the robbery and attack on Mr Rees, said: “I appeal to anyone who may have seen three men running away from South Park on Friday evening to contact police.”

Anyone with information should call 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.