RESIDENTS have been warned to only use official cabs after a night out after a woman was assaulted.

The woman was walking in High Street, Banbury, when a cab pulled up alongside her and offered her a lift.

She got in believing it was a taxi, but during the journey the male driver said something inappropriate to her, then touched her leg.

The woman demanded he stop the car and she jumped out and ran to safety and called police.

The car was described as a dark grey or silver Audi estate with roof bars.

Its driver was a white, Eastern European man with short blonde hair.

The incident happened on Saturday, October 24, about 2.40am Now Cherwell District Council, the authority which licenses cabs, has issued advice for anyone planning a night out. They say people should always plan in advance how they are going to get home.

Nigel Morris, executive member for community safety, street scene and rural services, said: “While incidents like this are extremely rare in the Cherwell area, we would urge caution.

“Even when someone has made a prior booking, they should check that the car they are about to step into is operating legally. And if they are approached on the street by someone claiming to be a taxi driver, they should be very suspicious unless it is obviously a hackney carriage.”

Supt Howard Stone, area commander for Cherwell, said: “Thames Valley Police work very closely with Cherwell District Council to ensure that all taxi drivers working on our area have undergone the necessary checks.

“If people make a choice to get into an unlicensed taxi, they risk getting into a car with someone who may not have a driving licence, insurance, road tax or an MOT for their vehicle.

“They may also have a criminal conviction that would prevent them from driving a licensed vehicle.

“I would urge people to use their common sense and not take risks when making their way home from an evening out.”

There were two types of cabs — Hackney Carriages and private hire vehicles.

Hackney Carriages display a white taxi plate, have a roof sign which lights up when they are available for hire and use taxi ranks.

Private hire vehicles have a green plate and can only take fares by prior booking — they cannot ply for trade on the street or at taxi ranks.

All cab drivers in Cherwell have photo-ID badges which they must have on display at all times.

Anyone with information about the assault should call Thames Valley Police on 08458 505505.