MORE than 1,000 bibliophiles descended on Oxford Brookes University over the weekend, to view independently produced books from 70 fine presses, 15 book sellers, calligraphers, bookbinders, and paper makers at the world’s second largest fine press book fair.

Producers came from as far afield as South Korea, Israel, Canada and the United States, including Dmitry Sayenko, from Russia, who takes about five months to make each of his limited edition books, which were on sale for up to £550.

He said: “This is the best and most important book fair in the world to meet important people such as dealers and publishers.

“The history of writers from Oxford means I feel like there is more responsibility placed on me when I sell here.”.

The book fair is managed by Toby English, who runs a second-hand and antiquarian book store in Wallingford.

He said: “This is pretty much the only occasion all these presses can come and exhibit all these wonderful handmade books to the world.”