THE flooding threat to homes in Wantage has been cut after tonnes of silt and debris were removed from Letcombe Brook.

A tanker has pumped more than 10 tonnes of silt from the brook to boost flood defences.

It is hoped the £15,000 project, which also involved the installation of groynes to narrow the channel, will prevent the brook from breaking its banks.

The decision to boost the defences was made after 37 properties along Mill Street flooded in July 2007.

The project was overseen by the Letcombe Brook Project, which aims to enhance and protect the natural beauty of the brook, which runs for 12km from Letcombe Regis to East Hanney, where it joins the Childrey Brook.

The project works with residents, landowners, the district council and parish councils to improve the environment for wildlife, and people living and working by the brook.

It is also supported by the Environment Agency and residents of The Old Mill, in Mill Street.

Brook project officer Sally Wallington said: “For years the area has been renowned for flooding so this is very welcome.

“The last stage has been difficult because as the tanker was sucking out silt it would also pick up the rubbish people had dumped.

“There were lots of bricks and slates.

“This, coupled with the groynes, should have a major effect and hopefully prevent floods in the future.

“It is the first time something like this has been done for at least 15 years.”

Craig Hart, a resident of The Old Mill, said: “I think these improvements are very important.

“I was one of those flooded in 2007 and the work to repair it still hasn’t been completed.

“We’ve had to suffer but now the local agencies have got their act together and with a bit of luck this should stop us going through all that trouble again.”