THE Oxford Mail stands squarely behind the efforts to clean up our city.

Cleaner Greener Oxford was launched last week by Oxford City Council with the aim to rid the streets of the blight of litter and to educate people not to drop it in the first place.

It is only by education that any real, long-lasting effect will be felt.

And part of education has to be enforcement.

There will be those who will feel the £80 fine handed out to Demetrios Samouris is excessive.

But it is only by examples like this that others will pause and think as they are about to flick their rubbish away: Am I being watched? Will a council official appear and give me an £80 fine?

Is it not then better to take those few extra steps to the rubbish bin?

However, this sea change requires the council to maintain a presence on the streets in the long term and continue to be vigilant.

Merely catching two or three others like the unfortunate Mr Samouris over a two-week period and then doing nothing will undermine the campaign.

The council says it is committed, so litter louts beware: If Mr Samouris is facing having to pay up, then so could you.