THE wife of fallen soldier Olaf Schmid paid tribute to her husband today, Remembrance Sunday, as well as his fellow bomb disposal experts.

Christina Schmid, 34, described her husband, who was based at Vauxhall Barracks in Didcot, as “the strongest of the strong”.

She said: “I have remembered him fondly today and also the other soldiers who are looking down on us.

“We appreciate them so much.

“Olaf wanted to protect life so much. I am so proud of him.”

Staff Sgt Schmid made 64 bombs safe during his last tour in Afghanistan.

He died as he atttempted to defuse a bomb in the Sangin region of the country.

More than 500 people gathered in Headley Way to salute the cortege carrying his body as it arrived at the John Radcliffe Hospital on Thursday.