I RECENTLY attended the ENT department at the new West Wing at the JR.

I noticed that the car park payment machines only accept cash. Not having any I enquired at the West Wing reception the whereabouts of the nearest cash machine.

It would seem that in the whole of the JR there is but one and that is in the main hospital block, four floors up and almost at the far end of the hospital.

It’s a fair walk to the machine and back – if you’re fit. It’s a hospital for goodness sake!

I had no choice but to make the hike, as I had parked and needed the cash to escape the car park.

I found the cash machine and discovered that it was out of order. In the whole of the hospital one cash machine and it wasn’t working. And the shops refused to do cash-back.

A further hike to the car park offices, even further on by the main entrance. They agreed to let me out when I left by using the intercom on the barrier to call them. It didn’t work either.

This situation is untenable and inexcusable. So JR management, what are you going to do about it?

The hospital needs at least one more cash machine, preferably in the West Wing.

Also, get parking payment machines that accept plastic.

Please do not use lack of funds as an excuse to do nothing. Cash machines can be self-funding, as are the parking facilities. If we have to pay for these services you may as well make it easier for us.

NW DEANE, Millstream, Benson