A CHILDREN’S hospice in the city is able to keep hold of a vital care nurse for another year following an overwhelming public response to its first ever grand raffle.

Managers at Helen & Douglas House, in Magdalen Road, East Oxford, said they were particularly delighted the raffle had brought in £30,000, because fundraising had become much tougher, due to the economic recession.

The money means the hospice, which relies almost entirely on public donations to cover its running costs, has enough funds to pay for a nurse to provide one-to-one care for children and young adults for a full year.

The draw for the raffle, which was launched by the hospice in April, was held on Friday, September 18.

In total, the hospice sold more than 27,000 tickets for the raffle, which boasted a top prize of a Volkswagen Fox car, donated by dealer Motorworld, in Kidlington.

It was the first time the hospice had held a raffle on such a large scale and its success means the fundraising team is considering holding another draw next year.

Head of fundraising Joanna Mitchell said Helen & Douglas House – the world’s first hospice for children and young adults – had found it increasingly difficult to reach its annual fundraising target of £4.5m, following the economic downturn.

She said: “This is the first time we’ve held a raffle on such a scale.

“It seemed to go down very well in the community, particularly at this difficult economic time.

“We have to do as much as we can to meet our annual target of £4.5m and this has certainly helped us on our way.

“Like all charities in this difficult climate, we’re having to work very hard and be extra creative in the way we generate essential funding.

“The fact we have been able to raise £30,000, which is enough to pay for a nurse for a year, is fantastic.

“Our nurses do a brilliant job working one-to-one with the children or young adults who stay with us.

“We want to thank everyone who sold tickets and entered the raffle, as every ticket bought really has made a massive difference.

“We need people to donate money not only for us to use right now, but to be able to plan for the future and continue to provide the care our families need and deserve.”

The winning ticket for the Volkswagen Fox car was bought by Ro Leaver, who lives in The Slade, Headington.