Sir – It seems incredible that an important meeting to make a key decision on the Oxford Brookes University proposal was missed by ten out of 16 Liberal Democrats, and three other councillors — many of whom represent constituents in Oxford affected by the scheme.

If Reg Little’s report (September 24th front page and your leader) was correct the Lib Dem leader had requested that the full city council reconsider the application, which the planning officers had recommended and the strategic planning committee had approved, but he then failed to turn up to the meeting along with nine other Lib Dem colleagues — can we please be told why this happened and which way the missing members would have voted so we know exactly where they stand on the matter. If Oxford Brookes appeal and win with costs then can you demand on behalf of us all that those members pick up the tab and not their constituents, the council taxpayers? One does wonder if this sort of performance is what Nick Clegg describes as progressive government, or have I missed something? Evan Harris’s Parliamentary seat is at risk and if this is an example of Lib Dem maneouvering it will be no surprise when the voters deliver the inevitable stern reminder that they want responsible government even when there are hard decisions to make.

Harry St John, North Leigh