Once again Oxfordshire County Council has shown its intransigence towards its citizens – and I felt it incumbent upon me as a registered Blue Badge disabled driver, citizen, pensioner and rate-payer to register a profound and heartfelt protest at having received a penalty charge notice for parking in Broad street, Oxford, outside Trinity College within a marked-out disabled parking space.

Being quite disabled, suffering arthritic hips, having diabetes, bowel cancer and angina, I find walking any distance extremely painful and quite distressing – and to return to my car to find the said penalty charge notice, I was extremely distraught.

If the disabled parking arrangements are to be suspended, the surely it would have been prudent to obliterate the printed marked out disabled parking bay road markings and remove all other traces of the disabled parking concession.

I very much doubt if the temporary and confusing notices installed are legal, the small printed notice on a white background being stapled to the pavement side of the temporary signs and not visible from the roadway.

I do not find any fault with the warden that issued the notice,. When approached, I found him to be most courteous and helpful, he even assisted me to return to and get into my motor car; he only did his job, and carried out the instructions of his supervision.

I felt most sorry for him as he received some verbal abuse from other disabled motorists, who had found themselves in a similar situation as me.

I would say to you that we have been treated harshly and unsympathetically and am appealing against this penalty charge.

Richmond G West, Fern Hill Road, Cowley