ALTHOUGH only a humble, ill-educted pensioner – disgruntled with re-distributive left-wing government, soft-option totalitarianism and pampered drones – I seem to sense a lack of content in recent political letters.

David Tinson’s letter (Mail, September 10) was a pleasant surprise. Nevertheless, I’m not clear how far he thinks David Cameron’s immigration proposals – soon EU dependent – could actually solve the dilemma.

Perhaps we all need to consult Migration Watch for a fuller, clearer picture of growing immigration dangers.

Labour’s Immigration Minister even denies the accuracy of latest ONS immigration figures! And economist Philippe Legrain argues that Britain should abolish all immigration controls. It seems those who quest after fame and fortune entertain all sorts of ill-conceived notions.

Broad agreement exists among global corporate bosses, politicians and their ilk: democracy by conquest or consent (a US-led coalition to police the world); unrestricted entry of Third World migrants into the West; and wealth redistribution to Third World areas (Tories promise increase in foreign aid from £8bn to £15bn).

Recent EU Commission meetings on bank regulations were revealing. Plans for super-regulatory legislation, under guise of bank failures, will further undermine British independence, while opportunistic Tories vacillate on a Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Eco-towns, as David Tinson, suggests, sound interesting, or sinister. In reality they are part of the overall plan to abolish Great Britain plc. As to “call me Dave” (Cameron not Tinson), I suspect his quest will end simply as different guys, with different coloured ties.

STEPHEN WARD, Tudor Close, Oxford