PRIMARY school pupils picked up a paintbrush to help make a building site more pleasing to the eye.

More than 100 children from Burford Primary School visited the site of a Cottsway Housing development, off Frethern Close, Burford.

Builders had put up blue hoardings around the site, while they construct the seven houses and six flats. However, Burford PCSO Petra Summers decided the fence needed decorating.

She said: “I was on foot patrol, and I saw them put it up.

“It was a nice blue, and I said to the site manager ‘we really need to have some paintings up there’.” Ms Summers and her little helpers took it in turns to paint a mural depicting the four seasons, designed by the school’s parent governor Nicolette Craig.

Ms Summers said: “It’s basically lifted the building site’s outlook for the next couple of months, so people won’t have to look at the blue fence.

“Out of the 110 pupils from the school, there are more than 20 that live on the little estate here, so they will walk past there on their way to school.

“The other reason why I am doing this is we have got big blue fencing up, which is an invitation for people to graffiti it.

“I would be very surprised if anybody puts graffiti over the children’s work.”

Burford headteacher, Ellie Stacey, added: “It’s to prevent the site from being graffitied, in the hope that it will now be looked after and enjoyed by the community.”

The 12 panels will stay up until April next year.

David Waters, Cottsway’s chief executive, said: “We were pleased to agree to PCSO Petra Summers’ request for the children to paint the temporary fencing around the development site.

“It will brighten up the area while the building takes place.”