WORK has begun on a mosaic at the entrance to the new Marriotts Close shopping centre.

The mosaic by artist Rob Turner was specially commissioned by West Oxfordshire District Council, with funding from developer Simons Group, and captures key points in the area’s history.

District councillor Warwick Robinson said: “This colourful, fascinating mosaic will be of great interest to many people as it captures the essence of our district’s commercial heritage.

“I’m pleased it is being installed at the entrance to Marriotts Close as this will be a busy pedestrian route, so everyone will be able to see and enjoy it.”

The mosaic was constructed in the studio and divided into 32 carefully marked sections. They are now being laid, piece by piece.

Mr Turner spent time researching the area and talking to local people before he started sketching his ideas. He said: “I passionately believe in creating artworks that engage, excite and stimulate people, utilising, where possible, objects and materials sourced locally.”