READ that Oxford is to be one of the cities chosen for swine flu vaccine trials.

Of course, it is essential that vaccines should be fully tested before populations are exposed to these materials.

In this case, however, the test group is to include large numbers of infants – and at this point I am obliged to express my concern.

These new vaccines and seasonal flu vaccines are believed to contain Thiomersal, the mercury compound withdrawn from infant vaccines in September 2004.

The unprecedented withdrawal of Thiomersal at little more than three weeks notice in 2004 has never been properly explained by the Department of Health.

Thiomersal is used especially in multi-dose vials of vaccine materials as a preservative.

Its withdrawal is thought to have followed concerns from US epidemiologists David and Mark Geier, as well as Prof Boyd Haley and others, that its use could be linked to neurological damage and to autism.

Three American courts have accepted the link.

The use of Thiomersal in the UK in a number of vaccines seemed to parallel the increase in recent years of autism (ASD) conditions.

It also remains unexplained why, when some 10-15 per cent of UK infants over many years have not had any infant vaccines, this sizeable number does not seem to contain any autistic individuals.

Until this doubt is fully answered, I believe there should be no use of Thiomersal-containing vaccines whatsoever with infants or adults.

TONY BATESON The Corner House Woodstock Close Oxford