Police today warned people to be vigilant after a second report of people going door-to-door in Oxford claiming to be from a charity.

Police received reports of people calling at homes in Friars Wharf between Monday and Wednesday last week, claiming to be from the RSPCA and asking people for their bank details.

Following on from an appeal last week, a woman contacted police to report two men had called at her door in Oatlands Road, on Wednesday, September 23, asking for her bank details.

Det Sgt Louise Tompkins said: “We now have reports of up to three men calling at people’s homes in two areas of Oxford. One of the men was in his forties and was wearing a green tabard. He has been described as having a large build with short dark hair.

“The other two men are thought to be younger, possibly in their thirties.

“I would like to hear from anyone who may have seen these men in the area over the past week or anyone with information as to who these men might be.

“I would also like to remind people not to give their bank details to anyone who calls unexpectedly. Always ask for identification and check those details with the organisation they claim to be from.

“If you are still unsure contact the police. Any legitimate caller will be more than happy to wait and resolve the matter.

“As part of the on-going Operation Breaker, Thames Valley Police is aiming to reduce the number of burglaries across our area and this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.”

Anyone with information can contact Det Sgt Tompkins via the Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505, or alternatively contact the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.