Police today renewed an appeal for information into the death of a man in Banbury more than five years ago.

Kevin Lavelle was attacked in the Cricketer’s Pub, Grimsbury, Banbury, in June 2004.

An inquest, which was opened on March 24, 2009, at Oxford Coroners’ Court, determined that Mr Lavelle, aged 29 and a father of two from Bootle, Mersyside, died as a result of the injuries he sustained during the attack.

Det Insp Steve Duffy said: “A reward is being offered by Thames Valley Police of £10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible of Mr Lavelle’s death. The justice for Kevin Lavelle fund has matched this, to make the total reward £20,000.

“I am keen to keep this investigation active, and fresh in people’s minds. A considerable length of time has passed since the attack and I believe that as time has passed, allegiances and friendships might have changed.

“Someone must know who did this to Kevin. It has been over five years since he was brutally attacked in Banbury and I am determined to find out who is responsible.

“I have been involved in the investigation into Kevin’s death since the incident happened on the night of the England versus Portugal Euro 2004 match and I urge anyone to think back to the night in question.

“There were people from the Pontypridd area of Wales in the pub at the time, who could be key witnesses, and we are going to be going to South Wales to distribute leaflets and posters in an appeal for information.

“I will not give up.

“Someone somewhere knows who did this and I will follow every line of enquiry and investigate every possible avenue until we find whoever is responsible.

“Were you in Banbury at the time of the match?

“Did you see a man being assaulted inside The Cricketer’s?

“Do you know who is responsible?

“I urge anyone who might have information to help us with our investigation, to contact us.”

Anyone with information about the incident is urged to contact the police on 0845 8 505 505. If you don’t want to speak to police and don’t want to leave your name contact the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.