BRANDISHING a knife and covering his face with a scarf, Christopher DeBanks is captured on CCTV stabbing a shopkeeper in a robbery in which he netted just £90.

The father-of-two was yesterday jailed for six years for the robbery at the Premier Supermarket in Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys.

Footage of the attack was released by police after the court hearing.

DeBanks is seen bursting into the store and waving the knife at terrified staff in April.

He lashes out several times at shopkeeper Jamil Javad, as the 29-year-old tries to fend him off with a cricket bat.

Unable to climb over the counter DeBanks drags the till to the ground then kicks itto force open the cash drawer.

Before grabbing a handful of cash and fleeing, DeBanks attempts to dive over the counter, again slashing Mr Javad’s hand with the knife.

Mr Javad suffered deep cuts and scarring to his hand and still has not returned to work full-time.

Police said Mr Javad was lucky not to be more seriously injured.

His brother Mohammed Javad, 31, owns the shop – which is now called Oxford Supermarket. He said yesterday he was still thinking about selling the shop.

He added: “The CCTV of the robbery is scary. It was a terrifying robbery.

“We’re happy with the six-year sentence but who’s to say something like this won’t happen again?

“We’ve got new security guards but some of our staff won’t work at night.

“Youngsters hang around outside the shop at dark and some are smoking drugs and have knives.

“Police are very good at making them go away but they can’t always be there.”

DeBanks, of Blackbird Leys Road, handed himself in to police and admitted carrying out the robbery.

Lucy Tapper, defending, told Oxford Crown Court DeBanks, 23, had not been sober since he was 15 and could not provide police with a reason for carrying out the robbery.

Recorder Angela Morris said: “This was a very serious and frightening offence.

“Courts must protect vulnerable shops from people like you who go in and threaten shopkeepers and cause untold damage and distress.

“You do pose a significant risk to members of the public. You are a dangerous offender.

“It’s necessary to protect the public from violent behaviour.”

Dc Craig Burchall, of Thames Valley Police, who investigated the raid, said: “This was a mindless act for what was only £90 and this young man will now face a lengthy spell in prison.

“The way DeBanks went for him, I’m surprised Mr Javad wasn’t more seriously injured. He’s a very lucky man.

“If he hadn’t backed off, he could have lost his fingers or worse.

“The sentence reflects the seriousness of the offence, and the police and courts will not tolerate businesses being targeted in this way.”