THERE has been much criticism of Philip Pullman’s latest book which church leaders have claimed he questions the existence of God.

If he has or not, he is entitled to his opinions without being ridiculed by the Church with their claims that cannot be proved and only based on theological theory and not scientific and historical fact.

For example, only extreme religious people still believe we originated from one man, Adam, and that Eve was created from his rib, in a garden in what is now Iraq. They conveniently forget that the book of Genesis also claims that one of their sons, Cain,was banished to the land of Nod where he married and had a son called Enoch. Where did he find this wife from if his father and mother were the first people on earth?

We now know that the human race originated from minuscule primeval single-cell creatures that escaped the volcanic soup that existed while earth was evolving from a gas cloud to a more solid form. We also know that the rest of the planets started that way and many are still giant gas clouds, including our sun.

Our planet and the solar system was not created in seven days but evolved over billions of years and is still developing, while the same applies to the trillions of galaxies in the whole universe.

Yet religious leaders still tell us that God was the creator of all things, the sun, moon, earth and all thing that live on it, the other planets and stars which are actually other suns, many with planets orbiting them. We have been taught (perhaps indoctrinated) since infancy that the teachings of the Church are sacrosanct, even if science proves otherwise.

We have also been told over 2,000 years to expect his Second Coming. He will come to rule over us in omnipotent judgement like some mediaeval king.

Do we seriously believe we would now accept such a universal dictator when most of the world lives under some form of democracy? Would Obama and Brown, who both claim to be Christians, accept that type of government and hand over the world to a god?

Also would the other religions of the world accept a Christian god as their overlord?

I think not, that would be Armageddon.

Mankind created this planet as it is, its countries, cities, towns and villages, fields, woodlands, meadows and tamed the animals. We are also responsible for our own destiny.

DEREK HONEY, Queen Emma’s Dyke, Witney